Qualitative survey is essential for uncovering deeper insights into human behavior, attitudes, and motivations. Unlike quantitative survey, which focuses on numbers, qualitative survey provides the context behind the data, helping businesses understand the why behind consumer actions. At Facts Fodina, we offer a full suite of qualitative survey methodologies designed to capture the richness of human experience. Our qualitative survey services include focus groups, where we gather a diverse group of participants to discuss specific topics in-depth, in-depth interviews, which allow for one-on-one conversations to explore personal experiences and opinions, ethnographic studies, where we observe people in their natural environments to gain insights into their behaviors and cultures, and case studies, which involve a detailed investigation of a specific instance or phenomenon. Each of these methods allows us to gather nuanced data that paints a complete picture of your audience’s perceptions and behaviors. We combine these qualitative techniques with modern tools for transcription, analysis, and reporting, ensuring that the insights we provide are not only actionable but also delivered in a clear and organized manner.